Sr. Full Stack Developer | ML Expert

Swipe right for a tech-powered adventure! With my skills as a full stack developer and machine learning enthusiast, I'll take your projects to new heights.

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About Me

My Introduction

farhan profile photo

Meet a digital visionary, a full stack developer, and a machine learning expert. With an unwavering passion for crafting extraordinary web experiences, they have amassed over 4 years of expertise in the field.

04+Years Experience
10+Projects Completed
05+Clients Worked


My Technical Level

Modern Frontend Development

More than 4 years

Optimized Backend Development

More than 4 years

Machine Learning

More than 2 yars

Mobile App Development

More than 2 years


My Personal Jourey


Bachelor in Computer Science

2019 - 2023

Intermediate in Computer Science

PGC - Lahore
2017 - 2019


What I offer

Frontend Development

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Frontend Development

  • PSD, Figma, XD to to HTML/React conversion

  • Functional & user friendly customized websites

  • Build responsive & progressive web apps

  • SEO integration

  • Modifications/Improvements in already build website

  • Dynamic Server Side Rendering (SSR)

  • Backend integration with frontend

Backend Development

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Backend Development

  • Secured APIs development from scratch

  • Authentication & Authorization (OAuth, JWT, etc)

  • Database managment services (SQL/NoSQL)

  • Real time services (chat, notifications, etc)

  • Third party API integration (payment, etc)

  • ChatGPT, OpenAI, other AI services integration

  • Hosting & Deployement services

Other Services

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Other Services

  • Build full stack web applications

  • Build mobile applications

  • Build desktop applications

  • Build machine learning models

  • Build deep learning models

  • Build neural networks


Most Recent Work


Propforce - Real Estate Sales Platform

A robust real estate platform that empowers property professionals to manage their business more efficiently. Approximately 30M+ transactions are processed every month.

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Revu - Leave Feedback Anonymously

An online platform for university students to review thier peers anonymously. Surpassed 600+ users in the first 3 days of launch.

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GPA Calculator - Unique Artwork Generation

A gpa calculator with unique dyanamic artworks generation developed for a US based company — memory maps. Ranked 4th on the Product Hunt.

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Workarr - Pakistani Freelancers Marketplace

An online platform for Pakistani freelancers to provide their services online. Developed a complete website from scratch with real time chat and payment integration.

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Rezeptrechner - Recipe Helper Website

A germany-based website for individuals to get access to premium recipes' data. Improved old design to make website more user-friendly and attractive.

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+92 311 5561420



Lahore - Pakistan